



A note in the middle of J.H. White’s 6 minute echo.



Author: chrisbkm

Chris Morrison was born on the north shore of Lake Superior and currently lives within moments of the Atlantic in Nova Scotia, Canada.

5 thoughts on “Echoes”

  1. Thanks Chris for sharing this…

    The quote is actually “the need to know and the need to save obscure truth”
    but I think the “need to say” is a branch from the same tree … This is a perfect example of a “living language” ….language alive and well here!


    1. Living language indeed! I was working on a more lengthy response to your comment and ended up with a new post. It’s funny, I’m very reluctant to write a lot about… well anything really… but especially those things where opinion and interpretation meet large, living and breathing topics like truth. I’m a big fan of haiku… black capped chickadees and falling snow work best for me. An arrow pointing.


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