
The Muse wished to host a costume party and appear as the Holy Spirit. The glorious bird. Divine inspiration. Licks of flame. Third among not-quite equals. I want to kick some ass, is what she said, preening blindingly white feathers and lacing up her boots. You my friend (looking in my direction) are boring the shit out of me these days. 

I looked up from my fallen log, moonlit moss; 
mind wandering the depths of Quarry Brook.

We can be a haibun. I’ll be the prose and you (rolling her eyes) can be the haiku.

Sitting, lotus
beneath the white birch; a dove

    – poops on my head.

The Gardener’s Husband and Dog

Zoom! through the door
blasting the red whistle,
behind the three-legged deer;

feeling like a shithead.
He stops. Regards me curiously.
I run him further down the road.

Mira arrives, barking furiously
in the wrong direction. I thank her
for years of outstanding service.

Today, De hosted the quadrille at dVerse, a 44 word poem that had to include the word zoom.

She laughs when he sends a photograph of their time together





One Breath at a Time

invites Thought, the zealous rowdy.

He arrives in his threadbare sweater,

awkward and a little hungover.


They sort of dance.





Grinning dog blues

This morning I woke up heavy, having forgotten that I was blessed. It must’ve happened sometime in the night between eyes open and squeezed shut. Sitting in the living room playing solitaire. Making unnecessary trips down the hall in the dark. Wind roiling my blood like caffeine. I’ve felt this way before. Toss the Tao Te Ching. Ghost walk the dog. Footprints and shadow. Barely a thought, which should please me but doesn’t. Give myself a shake and still come up grey. I think I’ll name this day. Nah. Did I mention that it’s raining and the tarp’s blown off the firewood? Noticed that gem as I pulled out of the driveway with the grinning dog. Red scarf around her neck so a hunter doesn’t accidentally shoot her. Seriously. Mistaking her for what? A polar bear? It could happen. On a morning like this.